Jumat, 18 November 2011

Trend Spotting: Natural Bamboo Chairs

Have any of you seen the December/January issue of House Beautiful?  Mine just came in the mail yesterday and I took a peek just before bed last night.  I was thrilled to see those natural bamboo chairs on the front cover!  I am working with a client who has a set of vintage bamboo chairs in her dining room, and we were trying to decide if we should keep them, paint them (which is a really current look) or send them to the sister!  Well, I think we keep, as is!  

I am saving pictures of this project for a big reveal, but in the meantime, here are some other inspiration pictures of  a similar look.

Would love your thoughts!  As an aside, I loved this issue of House Beautiful . . . so many gorgeous interiors, but not a single Christmas decoration in the entire issue.  So, if you need your Christmas fix, Birmingham Home and Garden (holiday issue is just released) is filled to the brim with some of the most amazing Christmas decorations I have seen.  If you live elsewhere in the country, this magazine is certainly worth a subscription!!!  They feature some of the most beautiful homes in Birmingham.
 Happy Friday. M.

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