Senin, 28 Februari 2011

A Crush

I have a crush.  

It's on the color orange.  

Over the last few months, I've noticed my tendency to linger over photographs of interiors with orange accents.

  At first it was a subtle thing, almost as if I wasn't really sure why I liked the space.  

But over time, it became obvious what was drawing me.  Then it became a bit more serious . . .  

I started musing as to where I could include some orange in our house.  

Then,  I started searching for the perfect orange fabric - namely velvet.  

It had the be the perfect shade of orange at the perfect price. 

 And, last week, I found it! 

 I order two yards of this very delicious burnt orange velvet.  

I plan to incorporate its yumminess into our master bedroom.  As soon as it's complete, I will do a big reveal! 
I hope you have a wonderful Monday.  My advice - hit the ground running today.  Before you know it, Friday will be knocking on your door! M. 

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