Do you remember first learning to drive?
I can remember someone explaining to me how to change lanes on the Interstate. You look back over your right shoulder - but only for a second! Then eyes back on the road before you commit to the new lane. Well, that's how I feel about starting a new year. You can look back at the previous year's events, but only for a second. Then you have to continue on your journey.
This past year brought some very unexpected events for me. Looking back, even the events that seemed bad (like my Mom's diagnosis of breast cancer) were actually laced with lots and lots of blessings. (BTW, for those who have continued to ask about my Mom, her recovery is going great.) That's the benefit of hindsight - or a year in review.
So rather than rehash 2013 (you can go to my archives in the right side bar of my blog if you're in the mood to rehash), it will only get a brief glance today. I want to focus on what lies ahead, "eye on the prize" as they say or what gets me out of bed and going in the mornings. For me, the single biggest item is inspiration. It helps me focus on what lies ahead.

Where does inspiration come from? Well, lots of places for me - color, texture, music, what people say, treasured items in a client's home - it's a random hodge podge of things that swirl into the mix of creativity. All that, plus one amazing inspirational tool -
Pinterest. Lately, I've noticed resentment towards Pinterest (sort of like the love/hate thing for Martha Stewart). But not me, I could not do my job without this wonderful tool. It's so interesting to me that a single idea in an image can spark the direction for an entire design. Sometimes random pictures from Pinterest will pop into my head during a consult with a client. The client might show me a piece of furniture they love and want in the space and WHAM - a Pinterest image pops into my brain of a great solution for the piece to work in the space.
With that in mind, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite "go to's" for inspiration. Here are my top five favorite inspirational Pinners on
Pinterest. By the way, if you're not sure what I'm talking about and want to have your world totally rock (and a great deal of your free time zapped),
click over and see what all the fuss is about. OK, so now for my top inspirational Pinners.
Holly Phillips from
The English Room. She just celebrated her second blogiversary (which shocked me, since her blog is so well written it feels like she's been doing this for years and years).
I am always blown away by what Holly pins on her Pinterest boards. The images are often times traditional but with an edgy something, something thrown in for good measure. A sure cure for designer's block, no doubt.
Sara Kate of
Sara Kate Studios is a stylist out of Oklahoma City. She has such an eye for interiors and her style is incredibly fresh and unique.
If I'm helping a client with styling their space, I love to go to Sara Kate's Pinterest page for inspiration. It's total goodness.
What I love about Paige's pins - every single one has this sense of sophistication while still feeling casual and comfortable. Go to her Pinterest page and see for yourself - she has impeccable taste.
Laura's Pinterest boards are wonderfully organized and chocked full of creative ideas anyone can incorporate into their own homes. It's my go to for party planning inspiration every single time!
Monica Hart of
La Famiglia Design is an Entertaining Stylist who lives in Seattle. She has the most amazing style and every single pin on her Pinterest page is drool worthy.
If you're on
Pinterest a lot (which I am), you may have had this experience. You are looking at your feed of pins from the people you're following and you see something you want to repin. You look down to see who you are pinning from and 9 out of 10 times - it's the same person. Well, Monica Hart is very often that Pinner!
Now, if you get stuck watching a boring bowl game, you know what to do. Just grab your laptop and check out these amazing sources of inspiration. Who knows? You may have an ah ha moment on the very first day of the new year!
Happy 2014 to all. M.